Cover Story: Keeping it Old School and Cool

When creating the cover photo for this Memorial Day issue, we here at The Sun were naturally inspired by that long-held tradition of creatively capturing life’s treasured moments by the sea. We know those who visit the shore never want to leave, and often photographs make for the most sentimental of souvenirs. Even those shot in a studio still offer a glimpse into perfect coastal living.
Honoring The Sun’s signature touch of all things vintage, the Wildwood lovin’ Carey family proved to be the perfect cover models, as classic and modern were blended to perfection. The photo shoot took place in Shooter’s Old Time Photo Studio on the boardwalk at Cedar Ave. with the aid of retro swimwear and props and the addition of an old beach background photo (on the cover), which enhanced the effect of those timeless boardwalk studio portraits from another memorable Wildwood era.
Greenboards are used when a new background is to be inserted. Studios of old, used backgrounds that were typically paintings of the rolling sea as seen in these vintage Wildwood shots.

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