Betty & Katherine Braidwood on Olde New Jersey Ave., c. 1928
“Now is the winter of our discontent.” ~William Shakespeare
Granted, winter may not be the best time to be by the sea, however, had the infamous English playwright ever stepped foot on our story-inspiring shores during the sleepy winter season, perhaps even he would have found a bit of coastal contentment. Looking back in Wildwood history, styles may be different, but a sense of play remains timeless. Sand dunes guaranteed children year-round entertainment while a frozen-over Hereford Inlet promised hours of icy-skating adventure.
Now, we have endless off-season events to keep locals and tourists entertained, but in the early 1900s, residents had to find their own fun. Before social media, there were social gatherings, actual face time rivaled Facebook and snowball fights took on a whole new meaning when snow blended with sand.
By the early 1900s, a wooden bridge was constructed to connect communities and ferries became a form of much-needed transportation. Visitors now had access to this once-remote isle. Although the sun and the sea naturally attracted many of the original settlers, the island, at that time, was known for its trees and the parks.
Time continued to pass, the beaches and boardwalk ultimately overshadowed those trees and parks, and our industrious pioneers continued to build Wildwood into the one-of-a-kind resort community we all know and love. History thrives on every corner (and is kept in well-preserved order at The George F. Boyer Museum).
Life has gotten bigger by the sea and contemporary influences often shout louder than the voices of the humble past. Happily, bygone days and modern moments are blended to seaside perfection and speak the same truth; that life on our island, no matter what the season (or century), is a slice of Heaven on Earth.
Perhaps even William Shakespeare would have agreed…

Harold Braidwood on a frozen Moore’s inlet