Dear Sun
Mary Ann with (The Sun), her friends and daughter Julie on their summer of 2008 vacation in
Wildwood~ here they are at an historic Wildwood annual event, the 85th National Marble Toournament. |
Way before when I can even remember, we made our journey
every year to Wildwood, NJ.
I was not even a year old, and my mom
would push me in a stroller, in that hot sand,
which seemed like miles to the ocean shore,
carrying an umbrella, chairs, coolers, wow
what wonderful memories!! And getting our
pictures taken in those little cubes. . . I still
have some of those old photos. (I have to
send some of them to The SUN!)
Now we stay up near North Wildwood,
and the ocean isn’t so far away.
Anyway, on our annual trip to the shore,
we would start out from Pittsburgh, PA. It
should have taken about 8 hrs, but it was
always at least a 10 hr. trip and it was a
ritual to get lost in Philly before crossing
over the bridge.
But let me tell you, being with family, and
friends, we would have a blast driving down.
We would pack our homemade lunches
along with a full packed car, leave at midnight,
and eat all the way down, making a
zillion stops for breaks, it was so much fun!
We would get to Wildwood in the morning,
after being up all night, we were so tired,
but could not wait to smell that salt air,
and see the water. we would fall asleep on
the beach.
At night, it was like magic, everything came
to life... the whole place was lit up with
neon lights... the boardwalk was like nothing
else in the world... its smells, its souns,
its sights...
Back then, we stayed at a house, rented
rooms from the same people we knew
every year, and became good friends with
them. I still today mail the lady a Christmas
We had no air conditioner, no pool and
we shared a shower on the one floor, and
washed the sand off our bodies in a homemade
shower stall outside. I recall it had a
green curtain.
We look now, and say how did we manage?
No air, maybe its the global warming
thing now? But we would stay up all night,
not wanting to miss out on anything and
wanting to enjoy each moment of our week
long vacation. It was so much fun. We would
stay on the boards, playing fascination till
1:00 a.m. or whenever they threw us off of
the boards.
We would win a lot of prizes playing skilo
then, a generic bingo, would wear funny
hats, those were good times.
Getting Macks Pizza, running in front the
tram car, eating always at Groffs, and making
sure we took Douglass Fudge and candies
home and ate them and saving them
for weeks in the fridge, these are all my
wonderful Wildwood memories.
I can smell the food and taste it about right
I want to see Wildwood in the winter, and
as soon as my husband retires, our dream
is to move to Wildwood and live there for
good, all year round and take our beagle
with us to the beach.
I can recall the boardwalk auctions, they
used to have. My dad would come home
with the craziest things for the walls.
And the singing at the Boardwalk Chapel,
and we always bought a ticket from St. Anns
to win a car. Never did win, but still try
today! Spending the day at the beach after
breakfast, was our pastime, cause we had
no pool then. Thank God we do now when
we go. . . and air too!!!!! Those were the
good old days. . . I can go on and on about
all the good memories of the Wildwoods.
And here I am, 40 years later, and I still
come every summer. Now I take my daughter
there, just like my family took me. We
love going, and it will never be a bad
memory in my mind.
We love you Wildwood, and thanks for
being such a big part in my life!!
Mary Ann Csahok
Duquesne, PA