A Friend to the Environment ~ Get plugged in!
Above : Carole & Kate from the Hoffman Agencies selling houses, Vince from Crab
Cake Hotline going fishing and Rob from The SUN heading out for a surf! On the
island of the Wildwoods, driving electric vehicles, or LSVs, is catchin' on! Get plugged in!
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Friendship takes time and effort. One thing our mentors tried to teach us and it’s
kind of true, that everything we’ve learned we learned in Kindergarten. That’s what
we all know and it can last forever.
It takes our time and effort to become a friend to the environment. As we become
a more environmentally friendly person we take small steps and once we find
that recycle, reduce and reuse is a very simple task, our appetite begins to grow. The
hardest part is to preserve. Keeping our friendship with the environment is also
preserving our friendship with the environment. Some tasks are obvious to the
naked eye, like when we contribute to the recycling effort at the beach and reuse
something instead of buying new. What we are doing is reducing the carbon footprint.
That’s something we really don’t see happen before our eyes. It’s ongoing and
we can only talk about it, but it’s happening.
It’s happening with electric cars right now. I am sure you know someone who has
one; there are a few already here on the island. Since they are quiet you may not have
noticed. When you stop at a gas station you may not have noticed. When you feel
dependent on the oil companies you notice. Jealous? The electric car drops the
carbon footprint emissions to zero. And in comparison to a gas powered vehicle the
carbon footprint to generate the lectricity to charge the electric car is lower than
the emissions a gas vehicle puts into our friendly environment which reduces the
carbon footprint. An electric car kind of has us “coming and going.”
So when you start your gas powered vehicle and pile in for a trip to the beach, for
even a few city blocks look around because you can’t see it ~ the carbon footprint,
but you can feel it. Maybe you’ll see an electric car, if you listen carefully. Don’t get big – get little again. Plug into the environment and be friendly.
Think Green!
Mike welcomes your comments at Mpos1@aol.com |