Ninette and Joe Verna
Joe Verna as “Boffo the Clown” c. 1950 |
Antoinette Mongelluzzi and Joseph Verna were both born in Lebanon, Pa. They first met during high school when they performed in a play together. But, they didn’t start dating until 1948 when they were both out of school. On November 18th, 1950, they got married. Ninette was 22, and Joe was 20. While living in Lebanon Joe directed St. Mary’s Choir, and Ninette encouraged him to sing. During this time they welcomed their three daughters into their lives; Michelle, Nina, and Barbara.
In 1959 they moved to Philadelphia so Joe could pursue his dream of having an operatic career. Baby sister Cecilia was born, and their family was complete. While living in Philadelphia Joe went to the Academy of Vocal Arts during the day, and he worked at night. He also performed as a soloist with the Philadelphia Orchestra at The Academy of Music.
In 1964 the family moved to Wildwood. Joe taught for three years in the Wildwood Public System as a music teacher. Ninette and Joe became very good friends with Joe Mango (who was a Spanish teacher) and his wife. Joe also worked as a bartender at Moore’s Inlet, Valentino’s Restaurant, and the Garden State Bar, where he sometimes got a chance to sing. In 1969 Joe founded and directed The Angelus Chorus, which was a non-profit organization. The chorus held concerts to raise money for local organizations including the Angelus Home, and The Ambulance Corps of Wildwood. Ninette and Joe met many lifelong friends during these years; Mary Griffith from North Wildwood, being one of them. The chorus still performs throughout Cape May County.
Joe also sang at all of the minstrel shows with his good friend, Vince McCormick. These shows were held by the Knights of Columbus, and were very entertaining. In 1969 he also started working for the City of Wildwood where he became the purchasing agent. The Verna family also ran the concession stand at the Wildwood Convention Hall for several years. They worked such events as the Roller Derby, basketball games, and concerts. In 1976 Joe sang at an affair at Convention Hall honoring Ronald Reagan.
During the sixties, Ninette worked as a teacher’s aide at Calvary Orthodox Presbyterian Church for the mentally challenged children. She was under the direction of Emily Flanagan. The Verna’s also taught private lessons in their home; Ninette played the piano while Joe gave voice lessons.
Ninette was later employed by the City of Wildwood, where she was secretary to Mayors Charles Masciarella, and Earl Ostrander. She was also secretary for commissioner Rich Nordaby. She also worked for Wildwood Convention Hall and the Parking Authority. She was acting director of tourism, and introduced The Wildwood International Kite Festival, The National Marbles Tournament, and The Wildwood Antiques Car Show. All these events still take place in Wildwood. Ninette did all this while raising her four children. She finally retired in 1993.
Unfortunately Joe’s life was cut short and he died at the early age of 46. Eight days later his first grandchild was born. Ninette never married again. She said, “she had already had the best, and she was never going to settle for less”.
After Joe had passed away, his secretary, Lisa Lauriello Bukowski found a letter in his desk drawer. It was addressed to Ninette and his four daughters. In the letter he asked the four girls to take care of their mom. I can personally attest to the fact that no mom has ever been taken care of as well as Ninette was by her children, after the passing of her husband. She had a happy and fulfilling life. She loved walking to and from work every day. After Ninette retired she spent all of her time with her loving family; her children, her grandchildren, and her great grandchildren. Baby Nettie, her namesake, is the latest addition to Joe and Ninette’s legacy.
As children, the Verna girls grew up surrounded by music. And, in Ninette’s later years the family took her to many Broadway shows. And even now, in honor of both ‘mom and dad’, the entire family still loves going to concerts and seeing musicals on Broadway.
Ninette joined Joe again when she peacefully passed away at the age of eighty. There is no doubt in my mind that Joe is directing the heavenly choir, while Ninette accompanies him on the piano.
Dedication: This story is dedicated to the memory of Ninette and Joseph Verna. I had the privilege of knowing them, and witnessing their great love for each other, their family, and friends.

Joe & Ninette on their wedding day November 18, 1950 |

The Verna family singers, 1960s. Michelle, Mom~Ninette, Cecilia in Dad’s arms, Nina next to Mom, little Barb, & neighbor |

Cecilia, Ninette, Nina Barbara & Michelle |

Joe & Ninette with Ronald Reagan 1979 |

Joe Verna in his Wildwood City ofice |

City of Wildwood officials, c.1970~ Guy Muziani, Will Ostrander, Hank James, John D’Amico, Charlie Kuski, Bill Gannon, Ninette, Charles Masciarella, Tony Fulginetti, Dick Lyons |